Haiku-Berry Contest

About a month ago, many of you ordered and received delicious Michigan blueberries from Apple Blossom. We had a haiku contest to choose the winner of two free 10lb boxes, and we had so many customers enter. Who knew you were all poets! Below you will find some of our favorites. They were so much fun to read. Thank you for your entries!

This customer captures our thoughts about blueberry season perfectly–of course when they’re gone we want another box!

The box is empty
Should have bought another one.
Dreaming of blue.
~ L. B.

Blueberries are full of anti-oxidants, something this person has captured in their poetry.

Filled with nutrients
humble blueberry extends
its healing power.
~ A. W.

This haiku from a mom showcases one reason we love blueberries so much–they make a great frozen treat!

Frozen blueberries
Such an easy toddler treat
Purple fingers
~ A. M.

We chose a winner, a runner-up, and an honorable mention. The winning haiku-berry is a reminder of times gone by.

Picking blueberries
A summertime memory
Of a simpler time.
~ Don W.

Our runner-up wrote a poem about one of our favorite treats in summer and fall–pie! But not just any pie… hot, steaming, blueberry pie. Can you smell it now?

Hot blueberries lie
Under a crisp, golden crust.
Pie heaven. Oh my!
~ Michelle M.

The winner of the honorable mention wrote a haiku-berry describing the blueberry in a very unique way that caught our attention.

Fruit defined by its
Color so rare in the wild
A true blue jewel
~ Anthony W.

Thank you for all your entries, and we hope you enjoyed reading these poems as much as we did!

Christina at Apple Blossom

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